
757 Paranormal was officially named in April 2011.

Although we had no formal name for our group; we have been investigating claims, when time allowed, from family members and close friends since 2008.
We are a small group of friends brought together by a common interest in the paranormal. We have varying degrees of experience, as well as skills to aid us in our endeavor.

What we do:
  1. We honor our clients right to privacy.
  2. We interview the potential clients and assess the claims presented.
  3. All data obtained from an investigation is analyzed to the extent of our abilities.
  4. We make every attempt to disprove/debunk paranormal claims before and during investigations.
  5. We will show evidence collected to the client after a scrutinizing review.
  6. We will keep all paranormal evidence collected including, but not limited to: photos, video, audio recordings, etc. completely confidential unless the client gives consent for 757 Paranormal to release the collected evidence to the media, 757 Paranormal website, and/or other paranormal teams.
  7. We will give copies of any recorded evidence to the client upon a written request.
  8. We will make return visits if necessary. 
What we don't do:
  1. We don't use Ouija boards
  2. We don't conduct seances
  3. We don't cleanse the property
  4. We will not ask for payment of services rendered. Donations are accepted but never required.

We can be reached by: