
Shirts are in & Group Meeting update

Our shirt order is in and they will be distributed soon. Also the Group Meeting has been scheduled for Saturday 12.17.11. Event invites have gone out and we look forward to seeing everyone.


Group Meeting

Working out a date for a group meeting. Once everything is finalized; more info will be posted.
Also, the Ferry Plantation evidence review is coming along and more items will be posted soon.


Can't get enough of this place!

The history is rich and the investigations don't disappoint! We will be going back to Ferry for a fourth time this year in November.


Repeat Private Residence Investigation(s)

We have previously caught a few EVPs at a residence we are investigating. One EVP is up on our YouTube channel and we'll be putting others up once the owner gives the green light to do so.
We will also be doing more investigations at the private residence to see if different members elicit different responses, if any, from the "residents".



We wrapped up our third investigation of Ferry Plantation and the house seemed very quiet. We are now going over the audio and video. We did come away with two excellent experiences with one being partially caught on video!!


Mr. McIntosh?

This image from our 8.13.11 investigation shows someone watching us or could it be a simple case of matrixing?


Ferry Plantation - round 3

UPDATE: Due to Irene changing back west and the strong possibility of it being a big event.. we will have to use our backup plan and go to Ferry next weekend Sept. 3.
I will be calling them to confirm that we will NOT be there this weekend.


Ferry Plantation - Part 2 - Evidence

The review of evidence is coming along well. We should have some interesting items to present soon. Also looking forward to see and hear what GPHR gathered in their review.


Ferry Plantation - Part 2

Last night we teamed up with GPHR to investigate Ferry Plantation. We will be going over the evidence and posting what our team found and look forward to seeing what GPHR captured as well. It was a fun night and we are planning on another trip out there soon.


Ferry Plantation - Audio

Audio has gone up on YouTube. HERE

Also posting them here for those who don't feel like going to YouTube...

Ferry Plantation - Images

We are going through the evidence for Ferry plantation and we have the images ready. Here is a slide show and you can find a link to the album on the Investigations page.

We will be posting the audio shortly.


Private Residence EVP

Here's an EVP from a private residence we investigated.

The homeowner was having a discussion with a family member about some shelves. While we didn't hear anything during the discussion, this came across when we played it back. It's almost like the spirit was trying to include itself in the conversation by pointing out where the shelves were located.


Almost done and more!

We are almost done with the evidence review from our first investigation and we found some interesting things. Once it is finalized, it will be posted for all to let us know what they think about it.

I would like to thank S. Mizelle for our new group logo. I think it's going to look great on shirts, hats, etc.

We also have a few more places being lined up that should make for great investigations.



Welcome to the 757 Paranormal Blog site. We are a new Paranormal investigation group based in the Tidewater area of Virginia. We hope to broaden your mind about the paranormal experiences we encounter and welcome your take on the evidence we present. Our first investigation will be posted shortly and please do not stand up until the ride comes to complete stop.